On November 20th, 2023, CrimsonAti, Roll Tide Ohio and the National Alumni Association hosted a Zoom session online about alumni scholarships, admissions, and how to apply for admission at UA. This meeting was primarily for prospective students from Ohio, northern Kentucky and southeast Indiana and was conducted by Kristy Hammond, A$AP Coordinator at the National Alumni Association, in conjunction with Kelly Watson, local recruiter, Eddie Bogdanowicz, CrimsonAti president, and a current student at UA. Other speakers represented UA in different capacities. Prospective students were encouraged to attend this session before applying for admission, as the scholarship application is now part of the admissions process.
Almost 100 attended this session and this is a link to the recording, which provides useful information for prospective students and their parents. The admissions process, scholarships, local scholarships, housing, and new scholarships are covered. If you missed the Zoom session, you can still access the program here: https://ua-edu.zoom.us/rec/share/-FleZVI_HDpVY5YpGXQFh1oiSA9YcWWmkSdTgkZ00wwDkhUcdrHnVtt0EtmXTwkd.0VjzM6WnVVFlMsCh. Passcode: ZVcB8%5L
FACT: The University of Alabama has the largest alumni based scholarship endowment program in the country!